The name comes from: Sp(inal) (D)ynamics Sacrum Alignment)
The effective Back Pain Self Therapy tool was invented by the Back Pain Specialist and Health-Coach Thomas Zudrell MD(AM), following the principles of the Dorn Method, a Holistic Manual Therapy and true Self Help Method, and Science from Osteopathy and Physical Therapy.
Through applied physical laws, adjusted to the respective Anatomy and Physiology, long term results can be achieved in a simple and effective way.
The patented Design follows the natural shape of the human sacrum and lumbar vertebrae and when used properly can help to regain improved lumbopelvic alignment, muscle relaxation and improved nerve function.
This versatile device is a fantastic therapy aid that all medical professionals and body workers should recommend to their patients..
Testimonial received from Osteopath Dr. Wayne Sibson, past president of the Australian Osteopathic Association (WA Branch) and Spynamics Sacro Aligner supporter states: “The Spynamics Sacro Aligner represents the first self help tool that actually simulates and replaces the hands of the therapist. It serves its goal to encourage and improve sacroiliac joint alignment by bringing the sacral base back into the ilia to decrease the strain on the sacroiliac ligaments. The Spynamics Sacro Aligner has helped improve my clinical outcomes with my patients and I recommend it to all my chronic low back pain sufferers”.
Wayne Sibson B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.), MH.Sc. (Osteo), Perth Australia