DMAA – Code of Ethics
All Practitioners listed in the Directory of the DMAA voluntarily agree to follow the Code of Ethics and Conduct below:
DMAA Members and listed Practitioners agree to act in a manner that safeguards the individual client’s interest, enhances the reputation of the Dorn Method and ensures the trust and confidence of the public.
Therefore DMAA Members and listed Practitioners will:
- Commit themselves to give the highest quality of care to their clients
- Honestly present all qualifications and peform only services in which they are qualified in
- Inform clients and the public about the scope and limitations of their discipline to the best of their knowledge
- Acknowledge any limitations and contraindications of the Dorn Method and refer clients to appropriate health care professionals
- Maintain and improve professional knowledge and competence including assessment of personal and professional abilities through continued education training in the Dorn Method and other Modalities
- Provide treatment without making unjust promises and with reasonable expectation that there will be an advantage for the client
- Respect all clients equally and conduct business with honesty and integrity
- Not discriminate unjustly against clients, colleagues or other health care professionals
- Keep all client records confident unless otherwise requested by the client or it is medically necessary or required by law for the protection of the public
- Respect all rights of the client to refuse, modify or terminate treatment at any time
- Provide treatment ensuring safety, comfort and privacy of the client
- Under no circumstances engage in any sexual conduct, activities or behavior involving a client
- Respect the client’s autonomy with regard to privacy, beliefs and behavior
- Refuse gifts or benefits intended to influence the treatment, a referral or decision or for personal gain and not for the good of the client.
- Not give a diagnosis, propose to be able to cure any disease or pretend to heal unless properly medically trained and licensed
- Advertise their services in a proper and professional manner without making claims of expected results, overusing clients testimonials or is biased towards or critical of other Modalities, persons or associations
- Give sufficient information to the client about:
– avoidable causes like unhealthy habits of movement and lifestyle
– the conduct of the therapy
– self help / self therapy possibilities following the treatment
- Provide written hand out’s with personalized advices and guidelines and be available for further advice and assistance
- Give a full Dorn Method treatment whenever possible including leg length balancing, pelvic re-alignement and spinal rebalancing allowing sufficient treatment time between 30 minutes and 1 hour.
- Use the Term Dorn Method / Dorn Therapy only if the original principles are applied without mixing different treatment modalities into one therapy session to avoid confusion to the client
- Not treat beyond the clients personal pain threshold during therapy
- Strive to achieve improvement of the client’s condition within 3 treatment sessions and then re-assess treatment plan before attempting continuation
- Emphasize the importance of client’s self therapy for a minimum of two month following the treatment to allow enough time for self healing
- Give sufficient information about possible reactions following a treatment and encourage clients to report any unexpected reaction immediately
- Cooperate with other health care professionals for the highest possible benefit of the client