An introduction to the Dorn Method

The Dorn Method is a low force, non-manipulative spinal and joint therapy suitable for patients that need gentle balancing of their spine and soft tissue structures of their body. The therapy originated in Germany over thirty years ago and was developed by Dieter Dorn. It is now practised by over 1000 practitioners worldwide.

Dorn Therapy involves gentle re-balancing techniques which work on re-aligning the leg length, sacrum, spine and peripheral joints of the body. Dorn Therapy can work in conjunction with other therapies including Massage Therapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Naturopathy and Acupuncture or on its own as a stand-alone therapy.

In this training you will learn about the history, the philosphy and the mechanism of the Dorn Method, we recommend this training is completed before doing the professional training to gain knowledge of the origins and science of the Dorn Method. You will learn basic foundational techniques in this course and build your knowledge on the Dorn Method for future trainings and clinical practice if desired.

The Dorn Method leve1 certification online (the full technique for clinical practice)

This course builds upon the foundations training in the Dorn Method and takes you through a step-by-step learning process and demonstrations on the techniques of all the joints of the body. A thorough explanation is given in all techniques along with demonstration and education on the self-help exercises for all the joints of the body. Once you have completed the training and the exam you will be able to use these amazing techniques in your clinical practice.

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